Does Twallan have any role or association with your lab?
No, Twallan is retired. The Laboratory was named to honor him upon his retirement, and to recognize his work’s enduring importance to the Sim people.
Do you still give tours?
Yes! Individuals or small groups may generally tour the Lab any day during working hours. Don’t be worried if some of the self-guiding tour materials call the Lab by its old name, and others by the new. Take the tour and you’ll see it’s the same great place, now poised to become even greater!
Will the Landgraab Industries (LI) still benefit from the Lab’s research?
For projects funded directly by LI, the terms are the same as ever: intellectual property belongs to the company and may be productized or not, at the company’s discretion.
Will the Lab perform any classified work?
No. However, not all of our work will be published, simply because not all scientific results reach a level that justifies publication. Also, not every publication or internal report will be translated from Simlish.