Sim folding team surpasses score of Portal Gun inventors
Early today, the folding team of the Twallan Sunset Valley National Laboratory exceeded 300k total points and overtook team #225029 representing the Aperture Science Enrichment Center.
Aperture Laboratories is a major U.S. supplier of shower curtains and classified technology, with main offices in Ohio and a large R&D facility in Michigan. Its Folding team was established in August 2013 and has remained active from that time to this.
It is likely that SVNL's advantage lies in our more collaborative approach, as the Sim team now has six members who together contribute 10 processors (CPUs and GPUs). Former Aperture employees describe that private-sector lab as obsessively secretive, with occasional purges of the technical staff in the name of preventing industrial espionage. Stanford's stats on team #225029 show Aperture now with only a single surviving active folder, Dr. Norman Clature.
LINKS: The Sim National Laboratories Twallan Sunset Valley National Laboratory Our Folding Team page, with current stats Stanford Univ. FAH pages
For additional information contact:
Ronnie de Noube
webintern (at) simnationallalbs (dot) org